Iwata – Medea Ninja Jet: What’s in the box?
After a short delivery period you get to open this beautiful package. There’s no surprise here. You will get what you asked: an elegant black Iwata – Medea Ninja Jet single piston compressor and a curly air hose. Please check the unit thoroughly and if you notice any scratches of similar faults, send it back right away, you will get a new one in no time.
Dimensions and Features
The Iwata – Medea Ninja Jet – a little monster airbrush compressor has the dimensions of L18 x W16 x H11 cm (approximately including handle and fittings). The unit weighs only 2.7kg which makes it easy to carry around if your job requires that.
This airbrush compressor has a 90w shaded-coil motor, which is very reliable wouldn’t you say?
You have the possibility to work under pressure that is equal to 0 from 18 PSI. You also need to know that the airflow at 0 PSI is 0.25 CFM (7 l/min). When in use, it provides a steady even spray and lacks spattering.
A thing that also needs to be mentioned is that you can use it for 30 minutes straight, after that the advisable thing would be to allow the motor to rest for about 20 minutes after each cycle.
The best part is
The unit has a pressure adjustment knob, which you can use to regulate the pressure accordingly. It would be great if it has an automatic on/off, but unfortunately this is done manually. The package comes along with a 3m (10′) coiled vinyl hose and a built-in airbrush holder which is always useful. The noise the unit produces is estimated between 55 – 57 decibels, which isn’t that loud.
List of compatible airbrushes
This airbrush compressor is compatible with low air consumption airbrushes. We won’t allow you to buy the wrong one, so here is a helpful list of compatible airbrushes.
The most compatible ones are: Iwata Custom Micron; Iwata HP-B, HP-B-Plus, Hi-Line HP-BH; Sparmax SP35 / SP35C / SP-20X.
For nail art, body art, make-up or cake decorating, art, crafts, model painting at low pressures:
Iwata HP-SB, HP-SB-Plus; Iwata HP-C, HP-C-Plus or HP-CH; Iwata Eclipse BS; Iwata Eclipse CS; Iwata Revolution BR, M1; Iwata Revolution CR, M2; Neo for Iwata CN; Neo for Iwata BCN; Neo for Iwata TRN1, TRN2; Premi Air G35; Paasche VJR.
For tanning at low pressures: Iwata Revolution SAR, BCR; Sparmax DH-125.
Check priceUser review
From my experience the name Iwata means something in the airbrush industry. I was a bit curious to see the performance of the latest Ninja Jet model. They say it’s small but a real monster. So, I used and tested the monster and here’s what I have to say.
The first thing I noticed it that the it’s really light weight. I mean, you can carry it around where ever you go and won’t get a backpain or pain in your hands. This is great for people who carry their business with them.
The compressor is oil less, which is no surprise, they are all made like that lately. The manufacturers decided to spare us the maintenance cost, but rose the product price. Well, a fair deal. They have to earn money somehow.
Even though I use it with my old Iwata airbrush, the thing I like the most is the it comes with a kit that lets you use other brand airbrushes. So, there’s no need to buy additional adapters, everything you need is there.
The compressor is user friendly and very compact. Due to it small size, I thought it would be noiseless. But I was wrong. This little monster is noisy but within the ranges of normal, I measured 60 db. Like the noise you air conditioner makes.

The Ninja Jet is made for smaller airbrushing jobs. If you have to work for more than 30 minutes continuously, then this isn’t a product for you. Overall, I am satisfied with the performance. The compressor is dependable and compact and provides a steady airflow which you can control with the pressure adjustment knob. Low maintenance, quiet, compatible with other airbrushes. I will stop praising it now, I think you had enough and get the main idea. This is a good choice guys, no worries!
To conclude
You can’t go wrong with Iwata. Iwata – Medea Ninja Jet single piston compressor is a perfect compressor for hobbyists or food decorators. It does the small jobs perfectly and won’t fail you. It offers compatibility with various airbrushes, so you must have one of them somewhere. Sturdy little monster, ready to swallow every given task.
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